Caitlin Vitalo
Education Coordinator
How long have you been with HAM?
A little over a year.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
I really enjoy the Young Artist Showcase – meeting all the teachers from the local schools and seeing all of the artwork from their students. Leading installations for the showcase every two weeks I am able to spend a lot of time with each student’s artwork – I truly enjoy opening up the teacher’s portfolios on Monday mornings to reveal their students’ masterpieces.
Also, just being on the fourth floor where all our classes happen is enjoyable. It’s nice to be a part of the art community in Hunterdon County and play such an active role in helping facilitate the classes they participate in. Every class is like a micro-environment and I can hear their voices carry into the education office – some classes are very serious and technical, others I can hear constantly laughing with each other.
A particular favorite (when I’m working late) is the “oh wows” that come out of the children’s Art + Science = Fun class as they create plasma, inspect DNA, and create crystals.
What’s your favorite work in our collections right now?
It’s hard to pick a favorite but if I had to it would be Jacobo Alonso‘s piece in the Felt Exhibition. His work is really interesting and I love the way he’s using a craft-based material with the more computer-based programs of 3-d modeling and laser cutting all while interrogating the representation of bodies through a historic lens.